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Author: David Bernie

Request for Proposals for Professional Assistance to Support

Request for Proposals for
Professional Assistance to Support
Building Resilient Infrastructure and Communities (BRIC) Application Development

  • Definitions
    1. Name of Organization

Pala Band of Mission Indians
PMB 50, 35008 Pala Temecula Road
Pala, CA 92059
Contact Person: Shasta Gaughen, Pala Environmental Director

  1. Statement of Work

The Pala Band of Mission Indians, hereinafter referred to as “the Tribe,” are interested in applying for Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) Building Resilient Infrastructure and Communities (BRIC) funding. The Tribe wants contractor support for BRIC Application Development for the tribal allocation.

Include your approach for supporting the Tribe for BRIC 2021 Tribal Allocation Funding for various projects.

  1. For the purposes of this RFP, this competition will be restricted to:

Professional firms, or individuals, with experience working with tribes who have an expertise in tribal hazard mitigation planning, building codes, and previous success supporting tribes with BRIC funding applications.

  • Overview

The Pala Band of Mission Indians has a FEMA-approved Hazard Mitigation Plan. The Tribe would like to implement that plan with support of FEMA funding. The Tribe is interested in hiring a professional firm or individual to assist with the 2021 FEMA BRIC application.

  • General Information

All responses to this request for proposals must be received by the Tribe no later than November 9, 2021, at noon Pacific Daylight Time. Only emailed proposals will be accepted. The Tribe will not accept calls with reference to this request.

Proposals must be a maximum of three (3) pages and include one (1) page for approach, and two (2) pages for resumes, firm descriptions, and experience.

If only one proposal is submitted for the project, the Tribe is not required to accept it. Proposals will be accepted only if they meet the criteria set forth in Significant Evaluation Factors (see below) and if a mutually acceptable contract can be negotiated. In consultation with its professional advisor (not one of the competitors), the Tribe may select the professional within 30 days after the presentation.

After the selection of the professional firm, and signing of an agreement, work is to begin with ten (10) days after the approval of the agreement, and all work is to be completed within six (6) months from the date of approval of the agreement. The Tribe reserves the right to review, comment on and approve all work performed by the Consultant in relation to the agreement.

  • Selection Procedures

The Tribe will utilize solicitation from Professional firms, or individuals, with experience working with tribes who have an expertise in tribal hazard mitigation planning, building codes, and previous success supporting tribes with BRIC funding applications. The Tribe reserves the right to reject all proposals based on documented reasons, including determining any or all proposals to be non-responsive.

All offerors should understand the factors which will enter the evaluation of proposals, and relative importance of the factors.  Factors for evaluation in this case will fall into five priorities.

  1. The technical qualifications of the firm and of the proposed technical staff, as indicated by their experience, with emphasis on current experience. The qualifications should reflect demonstrated ability and offering of professional services as covered by the statement of work.  Consideration will be given to the offeror’s relevant experience.
  2. A record performance, and timeliness in the execution of previous contracts.
  3. Experience of the firm and familiarity of the proposed staff with the unique circumstances of Tribes. Emphasis will be placed on current experience and demonstrated sensitivity to Tribal issues in relation to environmental issues.
  4. Cost considerations such as the amount.
  5. Indian Preference given.
  • Method of Review

The Tribe and its authorized representatives will review all proposals received and may require an on-site, or video conference, presentation to the Tribe.  The Tribe may accept any given proposal as submitted or may negotiate with an offeror to establish terms most advantageous to the Tribe.  The decision of the Tribe shall be final and not subject to appeal.

  • Scope of Services

Support the Tribe with applying for FEMA BRIC 2021 Tribal Allocation Funding for various projects.

This project must be meet the FEMA BRIC January 2022 application deadline.

  • Provisions
  1. Termination

This request for proposals may be terminated by the Tribe at any time for cause.

  1. Non-Collusive Understanding

Each person and/or firm submitting a proposal is certifying that he/she has not colluded with any other person, firm, or corporation about securing the services being solicited.

  1. Communications

Any notice regarding this solicitation shall be directed to Pala Band of Mission Indians, 12196 Pala Mission Road, Pala, CA  92059.

  1. Negotiation

Provisions not addressed by this solicitation will be negotiated with the professional once a selection has been made.

  1. Agreement

The selected professional will enter into an enforceable agreement that fully conforms to the contracting provisions pursuant to appropriate requirements of the Tribe.

RFP - FEMA BRIC Proposal