Pala Band of Mission Indians California Pala Notice
Pala Band of Mission Indians California Pala Notice
Notice: Weather Alert – High Impact Holiday Winter Storm
NOTICE – Weather Alert for 11/26 through 12/1.
Pala Band of Mission Indians California Pala Notice
Notice: Office Closure for the Thanksgiving Holiday
NOTICE – Office Closure for the Thanksgiving Holiday
Pala Band of Mission Indians California Pala Announcement
Announcement: PBMI Announces 2019 Tribal Election Results
PALA, CA – The Pala Band of Mission Indians announces the 2019 Tribal Election Results.
Pala Band of Mission Indians California Pala Announcement
Announcement – Púyily ‘Áy’enish (Big Meal, A Great Feast)
Pala, CA – The Pala Band of Mission Indians, Pala Cultural Resource Committee, and Indian Health Council announces the Púyily ‘Áy’enish (Big Meal, A Great Feast) which will take place on Sunday, November 17, 2019, from 10:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. at the Pala Admin Building, Pala, CA.
Pala Band of Mission Indians California Pala Announcement
Announcement – IHC and CSUSM Fun Run 2019
Pala, CA – The Indian Health Council (IHC) and Cal State University San Marcos (CSUSM) announces the Fun Run 2019 that will take place Monday, November 25, 2019, from 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. at the Indian Health Council Clinic.
Pala Band of Mission Indians California Pala Notice
Notice: Cancellation of Púyily ‘Áy’enish (Big Meal, A Great Feast)
Pala, CA – The Pala Band of Mission Indians gives notice of the cancellation of Púyily ‘Áy’enish (Big Meal, A Great Feast) that was scheduled for Saturday, September 21, 2019, from 10:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. at the Pala Admin Building, Pala, CA.
Pala Band of Mission Indians California Pala Article
Article: PED Featured on the ITEP CCP Website
Pala, CA – The Pala Band of Mission Indians and the Pala Environmental Department announces that the PED was featured on the ITEP Climate Change Program website.
Pala Band of Mission Indians California Pala Article
Article: Honoring Traditions Gathering
Pala, CA – The Pala Band of Mission Indians and the Cupa Cultural Center announces that the Honoring Traditions Gathering was featured in an article in the San Diego Union-Tribune.
Pala Band of Mission Indians California Pala Announcement
Announcement: New PED Logo
Pala, CA – The Pala Band of Mission Indians and the Pala Environmental Department announce the new Pala Environmental Department Logo.