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Request for Proposal – ICDBG CARES ACT PROJECT #002

Request for Proposal – ICDBG CARES ACT PROJECT #002

Request for Proposal

In an effort to successfully execute an Indian Community Development Block Grant for the rehabilitation of residences located on the Pala Indian Reservation, the Pala Tribal Council through the Pala Housing Department is inviting qualified entities to submit bids to complete a variety of rehabilitation projects at numerous homes as described in the attached Scope of Work (SOW).

December 21, 2020

Issued by:

Pala Band of Mission Indians
Pala Housing Department
Annalee H. Trujillo, Executive Director
PMB 50, 35008 Pala Temecula Road
Pala, CA 92059

Al Jimenez
Al Jimenez Building & Safety
68090 Alva Court
Cathedral City, CA 92234

Introduction & Background

The Pala Housing Office is in need of electrical panel upgrades, ADA restroom upgrades, window replacements, and flooring replacements and is accepting proposals in response to this Request for Proposal in order to find a qualified source or sources to provide the services needed.

Our goal is to complete this project within the first two (2) quarters of CY 2021 and as such will publish multiple RFP’s to accomplish all of the required projects.

The standards and specifications for all of the Rehab SOW’s are as follows:

Upgrade Main Electrical Service Panel.

  • Replace existing 100A panel with a 200A panel, solar-ready, to include ensuring that a viable Grounding Electrode System is in place. (verify Ufer or install 8-foot copper Ground Rod(s) with appropriately sized Grounding Electrode Conductor (GEC).
  • All work shall be subject to inspection by the Tribe and no work shall be covered prior to approval by the inspector of record.

Accessible bathroom.

  • This shall include demo and disposal of existing fixtures, the installation of necessary backing to provide support for the grab bars to include the necessary drywall repair and paint.
  • Water closet replacement shall be ADA height compliant Water Closets – 19-inches tall and shall include new angle stop valves, braided metal supply line connectors, and silicone sealing of fixture to floor connection.
  • All work shall be subject to inspection by the Tribe and no work shall be covered prior to approval by the inspector of record.

Window Change-out.

  • The new windows shall comply with the 2019 California Energy Code for residential windows and be vinyl-framed, dual-paned retrofit windows that required no framing modifications to the structure.
  • The maximum U-factor for windows of 0.30.
  • The maximum SHGC of 0.23.
  • All work shall be subject to inspection by the Tribe and no work shall be covered prior to approval by the inspector of record.

Miscellaneous Repairs. (Specific items will be identified during a Pre-bid Site visit)

  • Plumbing leaks beneath kitchen sink or bathroom vanity.
    • May be ABS compression fittings, angle stops, supply lines, or needed silicone sealant.
  • Minor drywall patching and painting.
  • Installation of battery-operated combination smoke detectors/Carbon Monoxide sensors.
  • Other minor repair as may be identified during site visits.
    • Bids will be considered with respect to individual site needs.

The objective of this Request for Proposal is to locate a source or sources that will provide the best overall value to the homeowners of the Pala Indian Reservation. While price is a significant factor, other criteria will form the basis of our award decision, as more fully described in the Evaluation Factors section of this Request for Proposal below. 

Scopes of Work:

11860 Chutnicutt Road Accessible restroom, miscellaneous leaks, missing window screens  miscellaneous electrical repairs
13135 La Chusa Road miscellaneous leaks, miscellaneous electrical repairs
11941 Quashish Road Service Panel Upgrade, Accessible restroom
11951 Quashish Road Complete window change-out
36019 Pala Temecula Road miscellaneous leaks, miscellaneous electrical repairs
926 Sal Road Accessible restroom, miscellaneous leaks

Submission Guidelines & Requirements

The following submission guidelines & requirements apply to this Request for Proposal:

  1. Only qualified individuals or firms with prior experience on projects such as this should submit proposals in response to this Request for Proposal.
  2. Interested parties intent on submitting a bid, having any inquiries, or needing any clarification, should communicate such by contacting the representatives identified on the cover page to RSVP no later than January 11, 2021, for a Bid-Walk/Site Visit on January 14, 2021.
  3. Bidders must list at least five (5) projects that are substantially similar to this project as part of their response, including references for each. Examples of work should be provided as well.
  4. A technical proposal must be provided that is not more than ten (10) pages. This technical proposal must provide an overview of the proposed solution as well as resumes of all key personnel performing the work. In addition, the technical proposal should provide a proposed schedule and milestones, as applicable.
  5. A price proposal must be provided that is not more than five (5) pages. This price proposal should indicate the overall fixed price for the project as well as hourly rates and an estimated total number of hours, should the Pala Tribal Council decide to award a contract on an hourly rate basis.
  6. Proposals must be signed by a representative that is authorized to commit bidder’s company.
  7. If you have a standard set of terms and conditions, please submit them with your proposal. All terms and conditions will be subject to negotiation.
  8. A bond shall be required in the amount sufficient to cover the proposed bid but not less than $500,000.00, whichever is greater.
  9. Proof of Worker’s Compensation Insurance shall be furnished.
  10. A ‘Hold-Harmless’ waiver/statement shall be furnished releasing the Tribe from any future liability, forbearance, or legal action.
  11. Proposals must be received no later the 11:59 PM on 1/21/2021, to be considered.
  12. Proposals must remain valid for a period of 30 days.

The Pala Tribal Council anticipates selecting at least two individuals or firms to have more in-depth discussions with and will make an award to one of these “down-selected” individuals or firms.

Project Description

The purpose of this project is as follows:

To upgrade existing homes by replacing electrical service panels, as needed, upgrading inefficient and broken windows, creating accessible restrooms for our Elder homeowners, and replacing dilapidated flooring as needed.

The description of the project is as follows:

It is the desire of the Tribal Housing Department to accomplish these goals by starting the work within the first quarter of CY 2021 and complete the project(s) by the end of the second quarter CY2021.

To accomplish the above-stated goals, the Tribes is aware that the project(s) may be too broad and/or specialized for any one Contractor or firm to undertake, thus the Tribe is amenable to selecting a single bid or awarding several bids to accomplish the goals of the aforementioned scopes of work.

Project Criteria

The criteria set forth below should be met to achieve successful completion of the project:

Criteria 1:        Complete the contracted work in a timely manner.

Criteria 2:        Complete all work utilizing industry best practices and the most efficient and necessary materials.

Criteria 3:        Coordinate all required inspections and ensure access for the same.

Criteria 4:        Be responsive to any and all requests as may be made by the Tribal Housing                                 Department.

Criteria 5:        Assist in creating and maintaining a work schedule that would limit interruptions to the homeowners.

Acceptance of the work is contingent on the following acceptance criteria:

Criteria 1:        Satisfy all contractual obligations.

Criteria 2:        Complete all aspects of the contracted scope of work.

Criteria 3:        Pass all inspections.

RFP & Project Timelines

The Request for Proposal timeline is as follows:

  1. Request for Proposal Issuance: 12/21/2020
  2. Open question period, via email correspondence: 12/21/2020 – 01/11/2021
  3. Pre-Bid Conference/Site Visit: 01/14/2021 [time TBA]
  4. Bid submittal deadline: 01/21/2021 at 11:59 PM
  5. Bid opening: 01/25/2021 (private forum)
  6. Notification to Bidders: 01/26/2021
  7. Contract Award: 01/29/2021
  8. Deadline to Complete:
    1. 60 days after contract award
    2. Bidders may propose a date earlier or later and will be evaluated accordingly.
    3. Failure to complete projects in a timely manner and on an agreed-upon date will result in a $500.00 per day back charge against the project.
    4. Factors outside of the contractor’s control, that may affect timelines, shall be identified and brought to the Tribe’s attention as soon as possible.

Evaluation Factors

The Pala Tribal Council will rate proposals based on the following factors, with the cost being the most important factor:

  1. Technical expertise/experience of bidder and bidder’s staff and relevant past project performance, to include samples of work.
  2. Section 3 compliance. The Section 3 program requires that recipients of certain HUD financial assistance, to the greatest extent possible, provide training, employment, contracting and other economic opportunities to low- and very low-income persons, especially recipients of government assistance for housing, and to businesses that provide economic opportunities to low- and very low-income persons.
  3. Indian Preference. The Prime Proposer must be an Indian-Owned-Enterprise to receive the preference points. Lessor points are possible depending on the Indian Business Enterprise contract participation.
  4. Cost. 

Evaluation Process

When contracting for service using the competitive proposal method (CPM) of procurement, the goal is to acquire the services of a highly qualified firm at a reasonable price. Under the sealed bid method (SBM), only price is considered. Under the competitive proposal (CPM) method of procurement, the award is made to the responsible offeror whose proposal is most advantageous, considering price and other stated factors.

When using the CPM, there is a sequence of activities that the Housing Department must follow to ensure fairness, openness, and competitiveness.

The evaluation criteria as previously stated will be followed and is described in the following enclosed table.

1 40 SPECIALIZED KNOWLEDGE, EXPERIENCE, and TECHNICAL COMPETENCE that the proposer displays for the work required, based upon the work history (especially in Indian Housing development), and the resumes submitted for the staff proposed to perform the work, including major subcontractors. The PAST PERFORMANCE of the proposer on prior work of the same or similar nature, based on the letters of reference and/or client lists submitted, and based upon the results of any consultation that the Housing Department chooses to conduct with such. The CAPABILITY the proposer displays, in that the proposal submittal shows: (a) knowledge and understanding of the scope of work to be performed; and (b) a realistic proposed approach to the performance of the required work.
2 10 Experience with and application of “Green/Energy efficient construction” techniques, application of the California Building Code Standards, and practice and ability to perform the services in a timely manner.
3 5 Section 3 Program compliance.
4 10 Indian Preference – (Prime Proposer must be an Indian-Owned-Enterprise to receive the preference points. Lessor points are possible depending on the Indian Business Enterprise contract participation)
5 35 The proposed COST of construction; including consideration of the quality of materials proposed, labor costs, as well as overhead and profit margins.
100 Total available points

The technical evaluation panel or committee performs the following functions:

  1. Review of all technical proposals (utilizing the RFP’s evaluation criteria as standards).
  2. Meet to discuss the evaluations and reach a consensus on the ratings assigned.
  3. Prepares a formal written report to the Contracting Officer.
  4. Participates in negotiations, if requested by the Contracting Officer.
  5. Evaluates best and final offers, if required, and provides an amended evaluation report based on the evaluation.

The Pala Tribal Council reserves the right to award a contract or contracts to the bidder(s) that presents the best value to the Pala Tribal Council as determined solely by the Pala Tribal Council in its absolute discretion.

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Request for Proposal – ICDBG CARES ACT PROJECT #001

Request for Proposal – ICDBG CARES ACT PROJECT #001

Request for Proposal

In an effort to successfully execute an Indian Community Development Block Grant for the rehabilitation of residences located on the Pala Indian Reservation, the Pala Tribal Council through the Pala Housing Department is inviting qualified entities to submit bids to complete a variety of rehabilitation projects at numerous homes as described in the attached Scope of Work (SOW).

December 21, 2020

Issued by:

Pala Band of Mission Indians
Pala Housing Department
Annalee H. Trujillo, Executive Director
PMB 50, 35008 Pala Temecula Road
Pala, CA 92059

Al Jimenez
Al Jimenez Building & Safety
68090 Alva Court
Cathedral City, CA 92234

Introduction & Background

The Pala Housing Office is in need of electrical panel upgrades, ADA restroom upgrades, window replacements, and flooring replacements and is accepting proposals in response to this Request for Proposal in order to find a qualified source or sources to provide the services needed.

Our goal is to complete this project within the first two (2) quarters of CY 2021 and as such will publish multiple RFP’s to accomplish all of the required projects.

The standards and specifications for all of the Rehab SOW’s are as follows:

Upgrade Main Electrical Service Panel.

  • Replace existing 100A panel with a 200A panel, solar-ready, to include ensuring that a viable Grounding Electrode System is in place. (verify Ufer or install 8-foot copper Ground Rod(s) with appropriately sized Grounding Electrode Conductor (GEC).
  • All work shall be subject to inspection by the Tribe and no work shall be covered prior to approval by the inspector of record.

Accessible bathroom.

  • This shall include demo and disposal of existing fixtures, the installation of necessary backing to provide support for the grab bars to include the necessary drywall repair and paint.
  • Water closet replacement shall be ADA height compliant Water Closets – 19-inches tall and shall include new angle stop valves, braided metal supply line connectors, and silicone sealing of fixture to floor connection.
  • All work shall be subject to inspection by the Tribe and no work shall be covered prior to approval by the inspector of record.

Window Change-out.

  • The new windows shall comply with the 2019 California Energy Code for residential windows and be vinyl-framed, dual-paned retrofit windows that required no framing modifications to the structure.
  • The maximum U-factor for windows of 0.30.
  • The maximum SHGC of 0.23.
  • All work shall be subject to inspection by the Tribe and no work shall be covered prior to approval by the inspector of record.

Miscellaneous Repairs. (Specific items will be identified during a Pre-bid Site visit)

  • Plumbing leaks beneath kitchen sink or bathroom vanity.
    • May be ABS compression fittings, angle stops, supply lines, or needed silicone sealant.
  • Minor drywall patching and painting.
  • Installation of battery-operated combination smoke detectors/Carbon Monoxide sensors.
  • Other minor repair as may be identified during site visits.
    • Bids will be considered with respect to individual site needs.

The objective of this Request for Proposal is to locate a source or sources that will provide the best overall value to the homeowners of the Pala Indian Reservation. While price is a significant factor, other criteria will form the basis of our award decision, as more fully described in the Evaluation Factors section of this Request for Proposal below. 

Scopes of Work:

12035 Owlinguish Road Service Panel Upgrade, Accessible restroom, miscellaneous leaks, Smoke Detectors/CO sensor, missing window screens
12095 Owlinguish Road Service Panel Upgrade, Accessible restroom, miscellaneous leaks
12125 Owlinguish Road Service Panel Upgrade, Accessible restroom, miscellaneous leaks, window change-out
11176 Highway 76 Service Panel Upgrade, Accessible restroom, miscellaneous leaks
363874 Pala Temecula Road Service Panel Upgrade, Accessible restroom, miscellaneous leaks
1380 Robles Road Service Panel Upgrade, Accessible restroom

Submission Guidelines & Requirements

The following submission guidelines & requirements apply to this Request for Proposal:

  1. Only qualified individuals or firms with prior experience on projects such as this should submit proposals in response to this Request for Proposal.
  2. Interested parties intent on submitting a bid, having any inquiries, or needing any clarification, should communicate such by contacting the representatives identified on the cover page to RSVP no later than January 4, 2021, for a Bid-Walk/Site Visit on January 7, 2021.
  3. Bidders must list at least five (5) projects that are substantially similar to this project as part of their response, including references for each. Examples of work should be provided as well.
  4. A technical proposal must be provided that is not more than ten (10) pages. This technical proposal must provide an overview of the proposed solution as well as resumes of all key personnel performing the work. In addition, the technical proposal should provide a proposed schedule and milestones, as applicable.
  5. A price proposal must be provided that is not more than five (5) pages. This price proposal should indicate the overall fixed price for the project as well as hourly rates and an estimated total number of hours, should the Pala Tribal Council decide to award a contract on an hourly rate basis.
  6. Proposals must be signed by a representative that is authorized to commit bidder’s company.
  7. If you have a standard set of terms and conditions, please submit them with your proposal. All terms and conditions will be subject to negotiation.
  8. A bond shall be required in the amount sufficient to cover the proposed bid but not less the $500,000.00, whichever is greater.
  9. Proof of Worker’s Compensation Insurance shall be furnished.
  10. A ‘Hold-Harmless’ waiver/statement shall be furnished releasing the Tribe from any future liability, forbearance, or legal action.
  11. Proposals must be received no later the 11:59PM on 1/14/2021, to be considered.
  12. Proposals must remain valid for a period of 30 days.

The Pala Tribal Council anticipates selecting at least two individuals or firms to have more in-depth discussions with and will make an award to one of these “down-selected” individuals or firms.

Project Description

The purpose of this project is as follows:

To upgrade existing homes by replacing electrical service panels, as needed, upgrading inefficient and broken windows, creating accessible restrooms for our Elder homeowners, and replacing dilapidated flooring as needed.

The description of the project is as follows:

It is the desire of the Tribal Housing Department to accomplish these goals by starting the work within the first quarter of CY 2021 and complete the project(s) by the end of the second quarter CY2021.

To accomplish the above-stated goals, the Tribes is aware that the project(s) may be too broad and/or specialized for any one Contractor or firm to undertake, thus the Tribe is amenable to selecting a single bid or awarding several bids to accomplish the goals of the aforementioned scopes of work.

Project Criteria

The criteria set forth below should be met to achieve successful completion of the project:

Criteria 1:        Complete the contracted work in a timely manner.

Criteria 2:        Complete all work utilizing industry best practices and the most efficient and necessary materials.

Criteria 3:        Coordinate all required inspections and ensure access for the same.

Criteria 4:        Be responsive to any and all requests as may be made by the Tribal Housing                                 Department.

Criteria 5:        Assist in creating and maintaining a work schedule that would limit interruptions to the homeowners.

Acceptance of the work is contingent on the following acceptance criteria:

Criteria 1:        Satisfy all contractual obligations.

Criteria 2:        Complete all aspects of the contracted scope of work.

Criteria 3:        Pass all inspections.


RFP & Project Timelines

The Request for Proposal timeline is as follows:

  1. Request for Proposal Issuance: 12/21/2020
  2. Open question period, via email correspondence: 12/21/2020 – 01/4/2021
  3. Pre-Bid Conference/Site Visit: 01/07/2021 [time TBA]
  4. Bid submittal deadline: 01/14/2021 at 11:59 PM
  5. Bid opening: 01/18/2021 (private forum)
  6. Notification to Bidders: 01/19/2021
  7. Contract Award: 01/22/2021
  8. Deadline to Complete:
    1. 60 days after contract award
    2. Bidders may propose a date earlier or later and will be evaluated accordingly.
    3. Failure to complete projects in a timely manner and on the agreed-upon date will result in a $500.00 per day back charge against the project.
    4. Factors outside of the contractor’s control, that may affect timelines, shall be identified and brought to the Tribe’s attention as soon as possible.

Evaluation Factors

The Pala Tribal Council will rate proposals based on the following factors, with the cost being the most important factor:

  1. Technical expertise/experience of bidder and bidder’s staff and relevant past project performance, to include samples of work.
  2. Section 3 compliance. The Section 3 program requires that recipients of certain HUD financial assistance, to the greatest extent possible, provide training, employment, contracting and other economic opportunities to low- and very low-income persons, especially recipients of government assistance for housing, and to businesses that provide economic opportunities to low- and very low-income persons.
  3. Indian Preference. The Prime Proposer must be an Indian-Owned-Enterprise to receive the preference points. Lessor points are possible depending on the Indian Business Enterprise contract participation.
  4. Cost.

Evaluation Process

When contracting for service using the competitive proposal method (CPM) of procurement, the goal is to acquire the services of a highly qualified firm at a reasonable price. Under the sealed bid method (SBM), only the price is considered. Under the competitive proposal (CPM) method of procurement, the award is made to the responsible offeror whose proposal is most advantageous, considering price and other stated factors.

When using the CPM, there is a sequence of activities that the Housing Department must follow to ensure fairness, openness, and competitiveness.

The evaluation criteria as previously stated will be followed and is described in the following enclosed table.

1 40 SPECIALIZED KNOWLEDGE, EXPERIENCE, and TECHNICAL COMPETENCE that the proposer displays for the work required, based upon the work history (especially in Indian Housing development), and the resumes submitted for the staff proposed to perform the work, including major subcontractors. The PAST PERFORMANCE of the proposer on prior work of the same or similar nature, based on the letters of reference and/or client lists submitted and based upon the results of any consultation that the Housing Department chooses to conduct with such. The CAPABILITY the proposer displays, in that the proposal submittal shows: (a) knowledge and understanding of the scope of work to be performed; and (b) a realistic proposed approach to the performance of the required work.
2 10 Experience with and application of “Green/Energy efficient construction” techniques, application of the California Building Code Standards, and practice and ability to perform the services in a timely manner.
3 5 Section 3 Program compliance.
4 10 Indian Preference – (Prime Proposer must be an Indian-Owned-Enterprise to receive the preference points. Lessor points are possible depending on the Indian Business Enterprise contract participation)
5 35 The proposed COST of construction; including consideration of quality of materials proposed, labor costs, as well as overhead and profit margins.
100 Total available points


The technical evaluation panel or committee performs the following functions:

  1. Review of all technical proposals (utilizing the RFP’s evaluation criteria as standards).
  2. Meet to discuss the evaluations and reach a consensus on the ratings assigned.
  3. Prepares a formal written report to the Contracting Officer.
  4. Participates in negotiations, if requested by the Contracting Officer.
  5. Evaluates best and final offers, if required, and provides an amended evaluation report based on the evaluation.

The Pala Tribal Council reserves the right to award a contract or contracts to the bidder(s) that presents the best value to the Pala Tribal Council as determined solely by the Pala Tribal Council in its absolute discretion.

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SDG&E Services during COVID-19 Stay at Home Order

Update on SDG&E Services
COVID-19 Stay at Home Order

Stay at Home Order
On March 19, Governor Newsom ordered all Californians to stay at home in an effort to slow the transmission and contain the spread of the novel coronavirus. The order exempts Californians working in 16 federally identified critical infrastructure sectors, including the Energy Sector. Under Governor Newsom’s order, work necessary to the operation and maintenance of gas and electric systems is so vital to the United States that its incapacitation or destruction would have a debilitating effect on security, national economic security, national public health or safety, or any combination thereof.w

Necessary Work
As a provider of critical infrastructure services, it is imperative during this pandemic that SDG&E and its contractors are permitted to perform work necessary to operate and maintain the systems and networks that provide power to our customers. This work may include survey, field and construction work as well as vegetation management and other maintenance services. We look forward to working with you to ensure that your residents continue to receive safe and reliable energy service as they shelter in place.

Safety Precautions
In accordance with county health restrictions, our workers will practice appropriate social distancing whenever possible and will utilize recommended hygiene measures, including the use of personal protective equipment as needed.

If you have any questions, please contact the Pala Environmental Department.

Pala Environmental Department
For more information contact the Pala Environment Department:
760-891-3510 | |

Pala Band of Mission Indians
For more information contact the Pala Band of Mission Indians:
760-891-3500 |

Governor’s Executive Order


SDG&E Drone Assessments of Utility Poles

San Diego Gas & Electric
Drone Assessments of Utility Poles
Pala Reservation
Beginning on January 6, 2020

Beginning on January 6, 2020, SDG&E crews will be working in Pala for approximately three weeks to conduct drone assessments of utility poles for fire vulnerability as part of the Drone Investigation, Assessment, and Repair (DIAR) Program.


SDG&E vehicles parked on roads with crews nearby. There may be some temporary background noise and dust while the drone is operating. There will be no disruption to electrical service. SDG&E crews will check in with Pala Tribal Law Enforcement each day that they are on the reservation.


SDG&E crews consisting of one drone pilot and one camera operator on the ground near power poles. Small, quad-copter drones equipped with cameras flying above and near power poles.

Pala Environmental Department
For more information contact the Pala Environment Department:
760-891-3510 | |

San Diego Gas & Electric DAIR Program
For more information contact the San Diego Gas & Electric DAIR Program:
844-765-6388 |

Pala Band of Mission Indians Pala Environmental Department SDG&E Inspections

Info - SDGE DIAR Program

Holiday Recycling Pickup Schedule

Pala Band of Mission Indians
Holiday Recycling Pickup Schedule
Friday, December 27, 2019
Saturday, December 28, 2019

PALA, CA – All recycling pickups for the week of December 23rd will take place on Friday, December 27th and Saturday, December 28th.

Pala Band of Mission Indians
For more information contact the Pala Band of Mission Indians:
760-891-3500 |

Pala Band of Mission Indians Pala Recycling

2019 Tribal Election Results

Pala Band of Mission Indians
2019 Tribal Election Results
November 19, 2019

PALA, CA – The Pala Band of Mission Indians announces the 2019 Tribal Election Results.

Anthony Ravago, Sr. (incumbent) for Vice-Chairman
Theressa Villa (incumbent) for Tribal Secretary
Bradly Guachino for Committee Member

Anthony Ravago, Sr. has served as Tribal Vice-Chairmain since first being elected in 2017. Theressa Villa has served as Tribal Secretary since 2011 and Bradly Gauchino is a newly elected Committee Member. The election was held on November 19, 2019.

Executive Committee Members each serve a two-year term, with the offices of Tribal Chairman, Tribal Treasurer, and one Tribal Committee Member are voted on in even-number years. The other offices of Tribal Vice­-Chairman, Tribal Secretary, and the second Tribal Committee Member are voted on in odd-numbered years.

The Pala Band of Mission Indians is a federally recognized tribe whose reservation is located along the Palomar Mountain range approximately 30 miles northeast of San Diego. The majority of the over 900 tribal members live on the 12,000-acre reservation, established for Cupeño and Luiseño Indians, who consider themselves to be one proud people – Pala.

Pala Band of Mission Indians
For more information contact the Pala Band of Mission Indians:
760-891-3500 |

Cancellation of Annual Honoring Traditions Powwow

Annual Honoring Traditions Powwow
Pala Band of Mission Indians

Pala, CA – The Pala Band of Mission Indians and the Cupa Cultural Center announces the cancellation of the Annual Honoring Traditions Gathering and Pow Wow.

Since 2008, Pala’s Cupa Cultural Center has organized the powwow on behalf of the Pala community, and their efforts led to nationwide recognition of the event. The Honoring Traditions Powwow has drawn participants from all over the United States and Canada, and we have been honored to welcome dancers, community members, vendors, spectators, and honored guests to the Pala Reservation.

Over the years, thousands of dancers have competed and displayed their talents across a spectrum of categories, from jingle and fancy to traditional, grass, and chicken. It has been a pleasure to have visitors from all over the country and from so many different cultures and communities come to Pala.

We would like to thank all of the dancers and their families for coming to Pala and participating over the years, as well as all the vendors, spectators, and guests. We also recognize the vital contributions of our emcees, arena directors, and scorekeepers.

Finally, we would also like to recognize the work of the Cupa Cultural Center staff in organizing and overseeing the Honoring Traditions Gathering & Powwow over the years, and thank the people of Pala for their support.

Cupa Cultural Center
For more information contact the Cupa Cultural Center:
760-891-3590 | |